Dec 16, 2010

Like I hit the Jackpot

I can remember in my early 20's that my new years resolution was to hopefully find a woman that wanted to have sex more than I did. Yeah so much for resolutions. Still I had some hope. The thing is, I dig women that try to initiate sex, so that I don't always have to be the aggressor. For years I've always been the one wanting to get into their pants, and there haven't been a lot that tried to get into mine, so I figured it would be an interesting change.

Well when I got back from the Army, I got it. An older woman, pretty fucking awesome with the high sex drive to boot! We used to spend so much time in her van that there are certain parts of the city that they have signs up for time ordinances that were made because the van was a rockin'. It was great until she tried those old lines on me after laying down that, "Good Ole Home-run dick".

This woman actually said to me, "Why are we kidding ourselves?" Right after a orgasm, now I don't know much about other guys but right after a orgasm I can get pretty goofy, but hell I already am, and that was a Oscar Winning performance! My lips didn't curl up or anything, I just looked at her and smiled.

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