Jul 22, 2011

But You Ate My Piece of Cake...

I will never let it go, even though it's been well over 30 years ago it's just what older brothers do, hang on to shit to bring it up later. I feel like I wouldn't be holding up to my big brother obligations if I didn't bring it up once every 3rd blue moon at that perfect time.

See my brother and I were about 5 and 2. He was sitting in his high chair and I was on my knees in my chair as we were both devouring these last two pieces of wedding cake that my parents so kindly brought back for us. Not long into falling into sugar heaven bliss because the icing was everything back then, do I notice that I have to pee. I try to ignore it but the longer I try, the stronger it gets. I think ( even at 5 ) that it's disgustingly bad taste for me to bring my piece into the bathroom with me so I look at my brother who is looking at me while I'm pondering what to do about this predicament. I was actually shocked that he was still using his hand and fork technique because usually by now you could hear his fork land somewhere and he needed to get both hands on his prize.

I then stare at him and feel time slow down as I'm heading towards the decision of leaving my cake in his face, figuring that I've pissed really fast before and he couldn't make it out of that high chair fast enough to eat his piece and get to mine. So I shove my piece in the middle of this pretty large kitchen table and tear off for the bathroom. Mind you I used to brag to my pops that I could pee a gallon in record time, so I had a nice stream going, finished dropped the seat and lid, flushed my hands and ran back around the corner to see this boy shoving the last piece of my cake into his mouth. That's when he froze as though I wasn't coming back. If you could have seen his face it was like, “Oh you still wanted this?”

So to this day, I still give my brother shit over this and his repeated response is, “Man I'll buy you a cake” and I tell him no, I want to bring this up as often as I'd like from now on which is followed by the usual younger brother response the eye roll and walk away. Yeah I still win!

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