Aug 4, 2010

It's not chicken

 For those of you that know me, you know how picky I am with my food; not like the whole “my body is a temple” jazz but hell there is just some shit (boy doesn’t the word shit sound good in this context) that I just can’t eat. So when going to a restaurant I don’t experiment or play around with, ‘cause the last thing I want to do is order something nasty and still be hungry.

One day a couple of my dudes and I go to this Chinese spot here in town, and when I do order my favorite dish, chicken fried rice, my fault in assuming that they will prepare it the same way as the only other place I go to, fried rice, scrambled eggs, cooked peas, cooked carrots, and actual fucking chicken. Well the man comes out and brings it to my table and I reply with, “What’s this?” He says, “Chicken Fried Rice.” Next I ask, “Dude, why is my chicken in balls? Were you in the back playing with my food?” All the while thinking is this how cat meat looks when you cook it? Is this chicken? Why the hell is it in balls? “It’s not in balls”, he replies. I say, “How the hell can you explain the rolled up look? Man look at it!”

I said finally after some serious stare downs, “You know what, you eat it; I’m not paying for this!” The whole time my best friend is still trying to eat his food and said he felt like his food was going to shoot out of his nose he was laughing so hard. My voice has a tendency to go up a few octaves (you know like Mike Tyson, some of my friends even try to get under my skin just to see if my voice will go up and then laugh) when I get excited or talk fast. I don’t like to show out in restaurants because they have my food, and I don't want to take a chance at them fucking up my meal on purpose because I appear to be one of those people who think that waiters or waitresses are beneath them and I don’t believe that the customer is always right but this cat wasn’t even trying to work with me, like he’d never even seen what I was talking about.
So now I only order from one place and if it's not chicken when I think it should be, its some pretty damn good cat. 

Aug 3, 2010

Never Have Anal Sex after a Fish Dinner

 Most people contract some form of food poisoning at least once a year. Most of the time the symptoms are mild, and can even be mistaken for a 24 hour flu bug. Other times, the symptoms are similar to one having a very bad case of the flu, but rarely do people ever need to go to the hospital for food poisoning.
Just by its nature, the probability of contracting food poisoning from fish is always higher than most other foods. This is why, based on personal experience, I recommend that no one ever engage in anal sex after your date ate a large fish dinner.

We hadn’t been dating that long, only about a month. Even though we'd only been dating a short time, we were having sex since the second date, and it was the best, freakiest, porno-style sex of my life. Seriously, this was the kind of sex that every man, deep down, dreams about having at least once in his life. It was the kind of sex that I had wished for ever since my voice started changing. It was with this woman, and only with this woman, that I was ever addressed with the phrase, “Use your whole fist for Christ’s sake.”

On one now infamous date night, we were enjoying a romantic dinner at an upscale seafood restaurant. Through the entire meal, however, sex was all that was on our minds. In retrospect, every date we ever went on seemed to just be a temporary diversion from the best part of the night, which involved animalistic insertions, feral lickings and brazen misuse of food products. We emptied wine bottle after wine bottle over the course of the dinner, and by the time the main course arrived, fish for her and lobster for me, she slipped off her shoes and casually masturbated me under the table with her stocking covered feet. Completely plastered and horny by the end of the meal, we decided to skip dessert in the restaurant because a much sweeter dessert “was being prepared in her hot, wet crotch,” she said. I paid the bill and narrowly avoided getting a speeding ticket, not to mention a DUI, during the drive back to my place.
By the time we got into my apartment, we were tearing each other’s clothes off. Sloppy in our drunkenness, we knocked over two lamps during our horny, groping journey into the bedroom. Once in the bed, she got down on all fours, arched her back, and presented her delicious ass to me. I grunted my approval while aiming my rock-hard cock missile at her hairy silo. When the head of my cock began to penetrate her lips, she stopped me.
“No. In my ass,” she hissed at me, sounding both horny and angry at the same time.
“Are you sure,” I asked?
She giggled as she said, “If I could handle last night. . .”

Oh yeah, I thought. Last night’s adventure involved a clown mask, three packets of Pop Rocks, and a twenty-inch replica of the Eiffel Tower. What the hell was I thinking? Of course she could handle some anal-action. She reached between her legs and began lubing up her asshole with her own pussy juices. Where did I find this girl? I thought. I was in horn-dog heaven. Blessed. Not being an expert in anal intrusion, I slowly eased my way into her lovely stink-star. First the head, then a quarter of the shaft, and soon I was buried to the hilt between her ass-cheeks.
“Go slowly,” she said, half moaning, half panting in both pleasure and pain, I think. I did as she bid, and very slowly began pulling out, like a steam piston on an old locomotive beginning its first run in a century. Almost all the way out of her, but keeping the head firmly planted in her ass-iris, I slowly began inserting again.

“Yeeeeees!” she moaned and began diddling her clit. Soon she said, “Faster.” So faster I went, the tempo increasing until the train was running at full speed, the piston pumping in and out so fast my cock became a complete blur, her hand rubbing her clit like she was trying to start a friction-fire in her pussy.
“Gnnnnnnnah!” she screamed. Thinking she was close to orgasm, I pumped that ass even faster, faster than Amish meth-head churns butter.
“Gnnnnnahstoooop,” she screamed, or something like this, because the noise in my head was drowning out the reality around me, for in my head I heard a steam locomotive, chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga-Woo-Woo! Barreling down the tracks, and somehow I pumped even faster.
“YES!” I screamed.

She started reaching behind her and flailing on the bed in what I thought was ecstasy―
“―Stop!” she screamed, able to finally get out the word I had mistaken for groans of ecstasy moments ago. She screamed this with such volume and guttural, primal force that it had the effect of pulling the emergency brake on a 100,000 pound locomotive running at full speed. The sex act squealed to a halt, and I pulled my cock out of her ass like the rip-cord on a parachute. Did someone order champagne? No, that popping noise was my cock coming out of her ass.
“Arrrrrrgh!” She screamed, as I yanked my cock free. And then it happened.
Immediately after my cock popped out, I was sprayed from belly to thighs with watery, fish-smelling diarrhea.

“What the―-?” I said, not able to get the word ‘fuck’ out of my mouth because of my shock at the brown funk lining my body. As she sprayed me, she seemed to be propelled forward by the force of the jet-propelled diarrhea, and she collapsed onto her stomach.
“Oh. My. Fucking. God.” I murmured, completely shell-shocked. Everything was still. I could hear my wind-up alarm clock ticking on my dresser. I stared at my shit-covered body. I surveyed the room to see if there was any collateral damage. The trajectory of the diarrhea spray was similar to buck-shot in a sawed-off shotgun; it was everywhere. Unfortunately, during the sex act she had been facing the feet-side of the bed, which meant that the headboard, my bedside table and lamp had poop on them as well. Even my bedside clock had a few speckles staining its face. The bed sheets: Killed in Action. A total loss.

I looked at my date, lying there motionless. I called her name. No response. I called her name while shaking her a bit. Nothing. Fear shot through me, as I thought, “Oh my god, what if she’s dead?” But this fear quickly dissipated when I heard her snoring. She was passed out from the wine. I on the other hand was no longer blasted drunk, because the blast from her ass rendered me completely sober. This night was definitely going down in the (ahem) annals as the all time worst date of my life. In fact, I had to invent a new special category, “Even the Devil would feel sympathetic,” to describe this night.
I cleaned up. I cleaned her up. I cleaned the headboard, the dresser, the lamp and the clock. With some manipulation of her passed out body, I was able to wrangle the sheets from the bed and throw them down the garbage chute. By two in the morning, I found myself lying on my couch, drinking Jack Daniels from the bottle. I don’t remember passing out myself, but I can say that unconsciousness didn’t come soon enough. “It was food poisoning,” her voice-mail message explained to me the next day. After some silence, she added, “The fish.” More silence. “Sorry.” She left this message the following day, around 2:00 p.m. I had slept until Noon, and, thank God, she was gone when I woke up. How do you face that? She never called me again. I never called her. I definitely learned two valuable lessons that night: 1) Never have anal sex after a sea food dinner. 2) Be careful what you wish for. There’s only one other experience in my life that entered into the “Even the Devil would feel sympathetic” category, and frankly I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to tell that story. Let’s just say that the morning after a great one-night-stand, the beautiful woman you banged the night before can certainly use your bathroom. . .but she shouldn’t be more comfortable standing up while she pees.

Best of Craigslist The Worst "Anal Sex Accident"

Aug 2, 2010

Looks like a foot to me

 A few years back my ex and I were at my parent’s house (a more founder memory), my pops was in the living room talking to my brother about something that was on TV. My ex and I were in the kitchen talking to my moms just carrying on a conversation. Soon I heard this loud outburst of laughter erupt from the living room and then it got quiet, this makes their conversation seem much more interesting than ours. 

 Slightly after that we started laughing about something different and as we laugh I hear my father trying muffle his voice but it was clear as day to me. I’m in the middle of a sentence and I hear, “Boy don’t you know what kind of diseases they got out there, some of them will make your penis look like a foot.” They said it sounded like someone stomped on the floor, cause I just fell. The room got dark, my knees got weak, I couldn’t breath I hadn’t laughed that hard in years. I must have sounded like a wounded puppy, lying on the floor in my own puddle of drool. All I could imagine was seeing someone in a doctors office, taking their pants down and this cat having a dick with toes at the end wiggling wildly. So envisioning that and listening to my pops try to tell my brother about sexually transmitted diseases about knocked me out!

Peanut Butter

My girl in ATL never lets me down when it comes to these stories, she’s told me so many and I know she’s not lying because somehow, someway they all intertwine into each other she just doesn’t say names. And let me say she’s got some wild ones too. So sometimes I ask, ”Hey isn’t that the same person that did…” she giggles and says yea. I have so many stories of hers in mind now because this has been my buddy for so long and we have a rule and it makes sense. If you have a story and it’s disgusting why would you keep it to yourself? Especially when you could watch, listen, or even read about someone else shuttering from image that you just brilliantly painted in their mind? Put it this way I have shared some of her stories with you all already.

A friend of hers, this dude always wanted his ass licked and she also has a girlfriend that loves having booty-breath. So she set them up for a weekend of fun. So they meet up at some spot and dude takes a shower, washes up and realizes when he’s done that he needs to take a dump. Handles his business and comes out and lies down on the bed on his stomach. She moves over top of him and lays down on him, and kisses his back as she slowly drifts towards his ass, soon she is face-to-cheeks and she spreads them and screams something about nasty ass muthafucka and peanut butter!

Anyway after this my girl tells me about how a lot of cats down there would take a woman that licks ass over a woman that gives head ANYDAY! I’m thinking this just cant be. Then one of my US Army buddies warned me, “Don’t let em lick ya ass man, that shit’ll turn ya out.” I came back with, “So does…” and he cuts me off, “Don’t… Just don’t do it man I’m trying to warning you man it’ll turn ya out.” Hell that was enough for me.