Oct 13, 2010

Dudes Night, the best night for some questions

My dudes and I occasionally get together and BBQ and play corn-hole and end the night with playing some dominoes and talking shit to each other. After the BBQ is done and we are done tossing bean bags that ends up a bean-bag fight, we come into the real game. Bones/Dominoes.

There are only us three, J and T and I. I ask a question that deals with being comfortable with someone that you are trying to get to know, you know boundaries and it's sometimes funny and interesting to hear and see these reactions out of your favorite people. I think it's cool to try and learn more about these cats. You invest in relationships and the three of us have invested a lot of "us" in our relationships with each other, so this is a cool setting.

So I ask the both of them what if there was a woman that they went on three very nice dates with and for the fourth this night you suggest that she comes to the pad for a dinner and movie night. Now this isn't for the gain of trying to get into her pants, just to spend some time with her. So dinner goes very well and the both of you remove yourself from the table and go into the living room and watch a movie and then you hear it. She just left one go while laughing at the movie or you (besides knowing that MOST women that "WE" have come in contact with will NEVER do this) now how would you handle this situation? I love being able to ask these kind of questions.

Well J pretty much said what I felt, it's a natural body function, but I took it a step further, I'd rather her do it in front of me, not because she doesn't want to, but because I want her to drop those barriers with me, I want that closeness. I mean I would sacrifice my stomach to save her nose. Now I know what a lot of people are thinking, why wouldn't you just goto the bathroom when you needed to, but shit, depending on what we had, I'd be in there pretty regularly. But the point being, don't hind the fact that you are human in front of the other person.

Now T didn't agree, for a few reasons one because she's a woman, not a womanly thing to do, doesn't find it hot at all, but that wasn't the main reason, she's at his house. He said that if they were at her spot he wouldn't have thought twice about it. He saw it as she disrespected his house and would have probably ended it from that alone.

If you feel compelled please share your thoughts on this very special dudes night, for this was only one of many conversations on that night.

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