Oct 26, 2009

I'm Leaving You

I told her I loved her
She thought that meant that she could talk to me
Any 'ole kind of way and I would still like her
She thought that meant that she could treat me
Any 'ole kind of way and I would still like her
She thought that meant she didn't have to love
Me back and I would still like her

See she didn't understand
The difference between
Loving and liking
I always loved her
Through all the pain
She inflicted on me
I still loved her
But plenty of times
I tried to explain
I didn't like her

Which oddly made her nervous
I think she thought relationships
Were supposed to be this way
Since it wasn't me being the
Disruptive one, it was her job

She always complained about
How the men in her life were
All the same, yet it was her
Doing to me, what they did to her
Funny, that she didn't see it

Bye baby...

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