Jul 31, 2010

The Big Payback!

 Since its getting close to Halloween I figured this would be a pretty nice spot to put in my thoughts about dirty tricks/revenge, tis-the-season right? Well these thoughts are mostly from conversations I’ve had and my own thought process as well so enjoy.

A few times I’ve heard of women Fed-ex-ing a plate of shit to their ex’s. In no place other than Hot-Lanta a cat comes up the destination and a man comes out of the house with this puzzled look on his as to why the Fed Ex man is making such haste with this package in the thick of summer. The man signs for the package and the Fed Ex man almost looks relieved as he hops back in his truck and speeds off almost as he is the culprit.

This is part one of a brand spanking new story. There is this man that gets pissed at his girl but refuses to break up with her, who knows maybe it’s the power of the booty, well one day while in the shower he was trying to focus during his very personal moment and he sees her shampoo bottle – oh yeah – over the next three days this bottle of shampoo had become his emptying pot.

He’d finish in the bottle, shake it up and go. In the mornings when he hears the shower running he smiles thinking he’s really stinking it to her when women pay for that kind of protein treatment all the time. The second act to this little display is a friend her of this story was curious as to if her hair could be positively affected by a mans love juice. So she asks her man to comply.

Well one night the baby daddy comes over and asks to use the shower and she gleefully lets him. He comes back so fresh/so clean and thanks her for letting him shower because hes going to see his new girl and says, “I hope you don’t mind, I used your shampoo.” Yea, she about spit up her coffee but kept her poker face and said no problem.

Now I’ve spoken to several people about these stories already and it was my cousin that I’ve so far had the biggest laugh because you know we have to go detail through disgusting detail. Thinking about what happens to shampoo in the shower in the face and mouth. That conversation immediately went from giggling to if that shit ever happened to me… Right you could figure the rest.

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