Sep 28, 2009

Ghostly Images

Tossing and turning in my bed didn't have the same effects as it usually did for me so I figured I'd come downstairs for some warm milk and a little late night TV to see if that would help. I get to the stairs and see that everything has been shut off. I look across the hall to my brothers room and they are both knocked out, now being the older brother I could use this opportunity to really mess with them in their sleep but tonight I am on a mission.

Since my earlier years I had learned to walk on my toes and to only step in certain spots on the wooden steps, for they don't sound as loud as others. When you are supposed to be in bed and sound a sleep eleven wooden steps can take forever to get past. With every step I think, “Shit can you oil stairs?” Then maybe its just a parent trap to make sure their kids stay in bed, like the days when I would test my mothers hearing to see if she could hear me walk across the floor but for some reason even when I wasn't walking she could still hear me, hhhmmm.

I reach the bottom one and and turn into the abyss, thinking of all the things that I can do while everyone is sleep. Then I faintly hear my name being called and I turn and look into the kitchen which is a ninety degree right turn from the steps. Then I see it, this ghostly figure slowly walking towards me and saying my name like a serpent. (Scary movies will always help enhance the feeling later on.) I can almost feel piss about to start warming my shorts.

Why can't I move? Why can't I run? I'm sure that if I turned and struck off I'd never get caught. Do ghosts have this sort of tracker beam that renders you helpless and unable to move? I've seen too many scary movies. I can feel my left foot start to stomp on the floor all by itself, like thumper in bambi. It is reaching out for me slowly and yet I still can't move. Oh shit it's got a hold of me.

Moms told me to goto bed, and now I can breath, I just dropped. She was walking towards me in some white night gown so plus she isn't the tallest person in the world. She is just looking at me laying on the floor repeating, “Boy what is wrong with you?” Ma, you scared the crap out of me, I thought you were a ghost.

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