Sep 28, 2009

Thee Art of Teasing

It was our first face to face encounter. Our first date, our first chance to watch reactions, our first time to smell, and touch (physically). The date was pretty nice, we spent a lot of the time just talking and watching each other smile, sitting across from each other at a table at a park, holding hands.

So the end of the date is winding down, now there is a thing here where it makes me kind of chuckle but I'd never say anything to her about it, I just find it silly. I will always respect her wishes, but with a smirk. See she said that she doesn't want to have sex with me during our first physical encounter, the thing is, over the phone I've made this woman howl to the moon! So at the end of the date as we walk back towards our cars, she stops me and with a little sly grin she says that I can touch her but only once so make it good.

So I smile and then quickly the smile fades as I move in closer. I place both hands on her hips, softly and move in close, but slowly, so slow that I can hear her moan lightly anticipating a nice juicy kiss from me. So slow I can feel the heat from her body surrounding me, as if she had been waiting for this the whole time we've been around each other. Just as slow as I move in, I pull back. Never losing eye contact, never moving my hands. she makes a face of instant confusion, as we affectionately call online - "WTF". Only for me to repeat the measures again, then she speaks up, "What the hell are you doing?" With a smile, I am already touching your hips...

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