Sep 28, 2009

The Phone Call

Today your phone rings and a smile comes across your face because it isn’t a customer. The conversation isn’t very different from most others in how it begins with how we are doing, how the day is going. You go on about something that went on earlier and how funny it was as well as it reminded you of me. I can hear how excited you are when telling me the story and the smile on your face, but you pause to ask me what I am up to; only to hear, “Oh nothing just listening to you.”

But what you don’t know is, that I have been cooking up a feeling for you for about forty minutes now. I’ve gotten to the point of letting go at least eight times and stopping and when looking down at my member, I could see my clear-like-white liquid reaching the top as it throbs and sways in the air. In responding to you I have to stop my movements just to help control my breathing so that you don’t catch onto what it is that I am doing. I know you try to get me more involved in the conversation and I try and it is getting more difficult to keep up, sometimes I even miss some of the things that have been said because you are just as silent as I am. It makes me think that you are waiting for me to respond so I come back with, “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said” while letting go throb.

The time is coming when I need to let loose besides it’s getting more difficult to just sit here and not scream. So I try to wait until I know there are co-workers around you and let loose. As you are in the middle of a sentence I scream-whisper, “Ooooh Shiiiit” as it sounds like I am trying to hold onto my sanity. You are completely silent and I can tell the facial expression on your face that you just had, has been washed off and the temperature has gone up as well. It seems as if you are not breathing at all, as my comments and sighs have lost their rhythms. Finally, after hearing how all my shakes and twitches have slowed down to a halt, you sigh and I ask how are you doing with a smile so loud you laugh.

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