Nov 29, 2009

Line one Calling Mr Syn

Some of you know, but then a lot of you don't that I am a state licensed medical massage therapist. I don't speak much about it because I lost my drive for that as my life's job. That and some other issues about hospitals not taking massage seriously, and thats where I am trained to work, and I don't want to have to learn to be a physical therapist just to utilize my massage talents.

I can remember talking to my cousin that lives in Detroit (yes Michigan is bigger than just Detroit) and he asked me what I had been up to, and I said that I was in school for medical massage therapy and his immediate response,Oh so you gonna get all the ho's. I said man please if you'd see most of these people, you'd know that ain't no sex going on at all!

There was this one woman, very odd looking I mean just by the lips, who needed a shoulder massage. She wasn't shy about anything, see one of the procedures was to get the patient on the table and then do everything under a sheet since there were other people in the room unless they had a private room in the back that way we could just come back after they were situated. No, not this woman, right out in front of every one boobs out and swinging, and I thought whoa, had to turn my head because I wasn't ready for it (hell they even looked odd for that quick half a second of torture that I endured).

So she finally lays down and I look at how her body lays just doing an overall scan of what needs to be worked on, and then I see it. This light green-ish mole on her back. LIGHT GREEN!?!? Like one of her grand kids had taken a marker and colored it in for her because that dookie brown wasn't looking too hot. I start giving this woman a massage and she starts moaning, and so I freeze I start thinking ok this has got to be some kind of game show or something, and I look at the instructor and she has this smirk on her face and fucking leaves the room. WTF!?!?

This other woman, I was giving her a neck massage, she was lying on her back, and how I had arms draped over it relaxed her muscles in her neck so I got deep and she's letting out these sighs (I can handle sighs better than moans that sounds like she is getting the good-good). What freaked me out with this woman is, when I was done, I tell her that I will be in the other room to settle the bill (it was only 10 bucks) when I get to the door she asks in the most pathetic tone. Aren't you going to say goodbye? If you have ever met me, you'll understand the facial expression I gave her, with one eyebrow up and the other down as I respond with Uh, bye.

Then this one woman who didn't even bother trying to wear a bra, I honestly don't think they make them that large. I felt for her though because they were so large that she couldn't properly lay down on the table. She wanted to hold a conversation and would slip out little compliments during the massage. Things like, its a good day today, oh my goodness that feels so fucking good, and my lips would just go straight and my face tensed like I am not trying to turn this woman on. I mean my job is to make people feel better but hell, and this other woman would just let them rip when I massaged, and yes women do brew them stinkier.

Oct 30, 2009

Excuses We've all Used Them

    So what was the best excuse that got you off from work? I'm not  talking about a truthful one at that. I'm talking about getting away with some crap.  See I was working this gig that I would have had to worked to fired from, seriously. So I knew I was set but anyway there were plenty of days that I didn't goto work and a lot of them I didn't.  Sometimes even at work I used excuses to go home as everyone did, well let me break down the situation for you and get ready to get your giggle on. This Shit was priceless.

    I was working third shift and I learned a condition at work by this point that if you worked over 4 hours in one night they have to pay you for the rest of that shift even if you leave. I thought perfect cause I don't feel like being here anyway. So I walk downstairs to my boss's (man that word looks odd)office and he has his desk set up so he has his back to the door. He knows my voice, so when I speak he doesn't even turn around when I enter. I tell him my stomach is fucking with me man I need to go home, (now understand the whole point of this job is to push these last bit of parts out so we can close so why would we be in a rush and I mean we being the union workers) but anyway, he asks whats wrong I tell him again that my stomach is fucking with me (ain't a damn thang wrong either) then thats when I dropped the bomb..."Look man I shit on myself" and I had to say it just as serious and embarrasses as possible or it wouldn't have worked and once I said it I saw this cat's back bounce hes laughing, and so to fight my laughter I bolt out "Man its not funny!" he just waves and tells me to go home, so I waddle back to tell the good news to my cats on the line with a wink and I'm out The thing is, I have used this excuse twice once on first and then this time on third shift.

    I know people used to, have to come up with some sort of excuse just for taking items back to stores. I figure it doesn't mean that I am sure but I figure that women can use the "time of the month" one too to get off work but how many of you have been creative enough to say that you shit your pants with a straight face? I think I deserve an award, seriously.

So Unattractive

    I can remember in my younger years when one of my best friends brought me over to his woman’s house in a flimsy attempt to hook her “girl” up with a younger cat. Wow. Check the scene, I was nineteen, slim like a action figure and had a simple yet, pornographic idea of the type of woman I wanted to get close to, well shit get into. Not even then did I ever think I was all of that or even some of it but I knew what it was that I didn’t want. Since I wasn’t “getting any” at that time lotion with my lucky towel was and still is my best way of relaxation.

    My dude comes through and scoops me and we roll to his woman’s house mind you, both of these women are years, older than us. I think the term is “Puma”, you know under forty isn't a “Cougar” yet. The thought of that was hard for me to even think about taking that serious. Now the thought of an older woman is intoxicating, but then aw hell naw. 

    I come into the spot and the first thing I see is this chick sitting on the couch with her hand in her cotton jogging pants like Al Bundy. At that day and age, in my mind, she didn’t meet my standards. I thought, “Couldn’t she have found something that she looked like she could breath in? “ I mean seriously, she looked like she had her little sister’s clothes on! I tried to just walk past and go into the kitchen and give my dude's girl a huge piece of my mind but while trying to just walk past she reached out to try and stop me.

    Her hands were strong and rough kind of like the thought of when Jamie Foxx played Wanda with them big ass muscles in a dress. It felt like the roles had changed like I was the woman and she was the woman trying to “holla”. Can we say “UGH!?” Besides I can’t let the roles switch I'm the one with the damn dick it wasn’t going down like that, not to mention it happening like this made me think that she had been in jail before.

    So after my somewhat altercation with the female version of Boo-Boo-Kitty, I made my way into the kitchen to let this woman have it and she beats my conversation with a smile, an older sister kind of smile. She even says just be cool I know what your about to say, just do this for me. I can’t even speak; I just look at her with this “AREYOUFUGGINKIDDINME” look. I thought, was she asking me to just screw her for her? Hells naw. Hell fucking NAW!

    So it’s a little later in the night and we start to play some spades and usually I am into the game but this time “she” is sitting to the left of me licking her lips and all and I find none of this shit is even remotely sexy. So one time I wasn’t paying attention to the game and she reaches over and lays her manly-ass hand on my thigh and says “It’s your turn daddy” and giggles I swear (this was before Friday came out but you know how Smokey shook when ‘Janet Jackson’ reached out to grab his booty after telling her to never, eva-eva-eva-eva to come around). All I could think was “Daddy!” This grown-ass woman just called me daddy.

    I looked over at my dude and he had his head on the table because he couldn’t look me in the eye. His body was doing those dry heave type of deal but I couldn’t even force a smile to come to my face, this crap wasn’t humorous to me not even slightly and I am the person who used to get into trouble for just giggling. I looked over at his woman who was sitting right across from me and all she could do was look away with this goofy ass grin I wasn’t getting any kind of back up.

    Next thing I remember is being in my dudes two door cutlass. Two door mind you and of course I am in the backseat with this woman. She’s trying to snuggle up next to me which is physically pushing me in the opposite direction, I don’t even have a window or my own door. I must have looked like a Christmas ornament by how I was all up in that little ass side window. She was dam near sprawled out in the back seat and I wasn’t having any of it. Yea just some painful, painful memories of years ago…

The Dentures

A friend told me about this story of humorous night clubbing of mid-thirties women night out at the club. I giggled my ass off when I heard the whole ordeal. 

    We all were going out one night and had a new member with us, we knew she was a little older but didn’t know exactly how much older and it really didn’t matter but when one of her girls yelled wait my mom is still in the house that gave them the info we needed.

    We get to the club, dance, and have a really good time with some fellas, finally when the end of clubbing draws near we go get some hotel rooms. Some suits with a few beds in each room (you know anything goes in ATL baby!) Soon after the lights go out there are some serious slurping sounds and the woman from the other couple start giggling and saying “dang girl you don’t waste time do you?”

    It’s not like she could answer, so to be “the woman who was not hard at work” gets up and turns the lights on. Shortly after the lights were on there was a long “UGH” sound that circled the room, this startled the both of them but when his sight cleared he freaked!

    So he finally saw what everyone else found so shocking. Now to some nasty cats this wouldn’t even bother them and being that this was down in the ATL I’m shocked it bugged him but when he looked to his immediate left on the little drawer he saw a cup with a set of dentures. He looks at her, she smiles this toothless grin, he jumps up and grabs his clothes and streaks out of the hotel butt booty ass naked.

    My friend continues to tell me she went walking downtown a few short weeks afterwards, she saw them in a restaurant sitting right next to each other and he was sitting to the left of her, and she notices that her right arm is dam near vibrating and the dude can’t even look up, she immediately turns around and leaves. She’s down the street when she hears him scream, “AHHHHH!”

Oct 29, 2009

The infamous Cum Rag

As told by a friend of mine, a few years back, I couldn't stop laughing. Enjoy!

    This happened a few years ago when my sister and brother-in-law were living with us while their house was being built. Now my sister and I know when our parents are ‘knockin-boots’ because they close the door to their bedroom and bathroom and the fan goes on. Now hearing the fan on in the middle of the day would make me want to go play outside in the middle of a hailstorm.

    Anyways, my parents did the deed one day while my brother-in-law was home. After they had-um-finished, lol, my mom had gotten a washcloth out and cleaned herself up and happened to leave it on the bathroom counter!  Now I know not to go near that bathroom for a few hours, maybe even the rest of the day. Let alone use anything lying around in there. But with my brother-in-law not knowing what closed doors and fans on in the middle of the afternoon meant, he went in the bathroom and started getting ready for work.

    I guess there’s no easy way to say this so he washed his face with “the cum rag.” My mom came in the bathroom and says, “Oh sweetie I just used that to wipe myself!” as my dad peaks his head around the corner. With the look on her face and the look on my dads face I think he realized what she meant by ‘wipe herself’ because he dropped the rag and hurled it in the sink and went to cussing like a sailor.

~Moral of the story don’t use anything that you have no clue of where it’s been especially washcloths~

Oct 26, 2009

I'm Leaving You

I told her I loved her
She thought that meant that she could talk to me
Any 'ole kind of way and I would still like her
She thought that meant that she could treat me
Any 'ole kind of way and I would still like her
She thought that meant she didn't have to love
Me back and I would still like her

See she didn't understand
The difference between
Loving and liking
I always loved her
Through all the pain
She inflicted on me
I still loved her
But plenty of times
I tried to explain
I didn't like her

Which oddly made her nervous
I think she thought relationships
Were supposed to be this way
Since it wasn't me being the
Disruptive one, it was her job

She always complained about
How the men in her life were
All the same, yet it was her
Doing to me, what they did to her
Funny, that she didn't see it

Bye baby...

Is She Tornmenting me?

It would appear that she's tormenting me, there's not a smile to be seen and yet she doesn't look evil or mischievous or just plainly up to no good. See the thing is, we are supposedly giving each other some space, some time to think about things. This was her idea. I think, scratch that I know I smothered her. I think more than anything I showed that I loved her. Okay, I am thinking too much, and it hurts just to see this. I know that I shouldn't try to read this picture, that's silly it's just a picture...but I love her. Why the but, I have no idea like saying but has anything to do with it. Am I overlooking something? I know that I have made others feel this way, is this my payback?

I refuse to say stupid things like, "You'd do this if you really loved me." I'm not trying to use love as a leverage, but it does make me wonder. She has left a few times before due to us getting closer than she was ready for. I always came to her, and we started back up, so is she grooming me to be possessive? Is she trying to get me to always come back to her? I'm not sure if I am comfortable with that. Fuck, I know I am not, I don't own her and don't want to, but how bad do I have to feel to want to make someone stay with me? The past few days after seeing this picture I can't stop crying. It's been said that a man shows his weakness when he cries, and I feel real weak right now yet I can't stop looking into her eyes. Funny how I feel my strongest when I am doing the exact same thing.

It's also been said that if you love something, you set it free and if it comes back to you, it's yours. What about that time in the middle of the possible middle? How long am I supposed to wait? Is that an open ended invitation to come into my life whenever they want? How large is the window of opportunity? Are the windows of the same size and cost? How many times can they leave and come back? Do you see how I feel about that statement, I do understand but I don't live a fairytale life and have been on both sides of love.

I remember the last time I saw her, we had gone out for a little dancing. She looked so beautiful. I think what did it for me well besides the fact that my eyes could only see her, was the way she made me feel when she smiled at me. I love for her not for how she looks but how she makes me feel from something as simple as just thinking about her to how I feel when I am with her.

I tried to avoid my friends, I don't want to hear them that I need to let the thought of her pass. How can I? How can I begin to think of someone else when my soul only reacts to her? I'm not that good of an actor. I can't think straight, my thoughts are all over the place, I have to try and remember to forget her tomorrow...Fuck this will never end...

Oct 25, 2009

Touch it??

    I can remember back in my high school days when I would hear stories about how cats would "go down" on girls and would just get disgusted. I think it started with one time I went to a girls house when her mom wasn't there I was trying my hardest to have sex with her, but didn't have any condoms. Being a very horny teen that wasn't stopping me, or let me say that I was not trying to let that stop me from my mission but it bring her to an abrupt halt.

    The thing is she was thick as all out doors, and just seeing her drove me nuts. I had her come to the door completely naked except for wearing a bed sheet, I wanted to be able to just step on it as she walked away and have it fall down and have my way with her. So I make my attempts to improvise one of them was pretty humorous, and a testament to the horny male, saran wrap and a twist tie, she just giggled as we continued our make out session and she whispered in my ear that there will be plenty more times.

    So I am all between her legs, mind you she still doesn't have anything on but a bed sheet, well that was before we began making out, then all she had on was me. I'm still fully clothed, so while kissing we are grinding and everything, even stuck a finger or two inside. So that ends and she laughs at my reasoning, "Girl I'm only flesh and blood, we gotta stop."

    So I left and headed up to Mc-Donalds with one of my dudes and noticed that I had this crusty white substance all over my crotch, she must have been really wet, I told myself, and then a video flash ran through my mind, of seeing the porn star Mr Markus eating a womans pussy and seeing her tongue have this slight white film over it, quite disgusting, with the added affect of having these little bumps outlining his little chin beard too, yeah I told myself thats some shit I won't be doing.

    Anyway I can remember after all of that not being able to wash my hands, but still being hungry and so the dilemma arises. My dude notices and asks why I have my middle finger and my ring finger sticking straight up in the air and then he pauses and starts laughing and says, "Man someday you are going to have to let that go!"

Sep 28, 2009

Ghostly Images

Tossing and turning in my bed didn't have the same effects as it usually did for me so I figured I'd come downstairs for some warm milk and a little late night TV to see if that would help. I get to the stairs and see that everything has been shut off. I look across the hall to my brothers room and they are both knocked out, now being the older brother I could use this opportunity to really mess with them in their sleep but tonight I am on a mission.

Since my earlier years I had learned to walk on my toes and to only step in certain spots on the wooden steps, for they don't sound as loud as others. When you are supposed to be in bed and sound a sleep eleven wooden steps can take forever to get past. With every step I think, “Shit can you oil stairs?” Then maybe its just a parent trap to make sure their kids stay in bed, like the days when I would test my mothers hearing to see if she could hear me walk across the floor but for some reason even when I wasn't walking she could still hear me, hhhmmm.

I reach the bottom one and and turn into the abyss, thinking of all the things that I can do while everyone is sleep. Then I faintly hear my name being called and I turn and look into the kitchen which is a ninety degree right turn from the steps. Then I see it, this ghostly figure slowly walking towards me and saying my name like a serpent. (Scary movies will always help enhance the feeling later on.) I can almost feel piss about to start warming my shorts.

Why can't I move? Why can't I run? I'm sure that if I turned and struck off I'd never get caught. Do ghosts have this sort of tracker beam that renders you helpless and unable to move? I've seen too many scary movies. I can feel my left foot start to stomp on the floor all by itself, like thumper in bambi. It is reaching out for me slowly and yet I still can't move. Oh shit it's got a hold of me.

Moms told me to goto bed, and now I can breath, I just dropped. She was walking towards me in some white night gown so plus she isn't the tallest person in the world. She is just looking at me laying on the floor repeating, “Boy what is wrong with you?” Ma, you scared the crap out of me, I thought you were a ghost.

The Phone Call

Today your phone rings and a smile comes across your face because it isn’t a customer. The conversation isn’t very different from most others in how it begins with how we are doing, how the day is going. You go on about something that went on earlier and how funny it was as well as it reminded you of me. I can hear how excited you are when telling me the story and the smile on your face, but you pause to ask me what I am up to; only to hear, “Oh nothing just listening to you.”

But what you don’t know is, that I have been cooking up a feeling for you for about forty minutes now. I’ve gotten to the point of letting go at least eight times and stopping and when looking down at my member, I could see my clear-like-white liquid reaching the top as it throbs and sways in the air. In responding to you I have to stop my movements just to help control my breathing so that you don’t catch onto what it is that I am doing. I know you try to get me more involved in the conversation and I try and it is getting more difficult to keep up, sometimes I even miss some of the things that have been said because you are just as silent as I am. It makes me think that you are waiting for me to respond so I come back with, “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear what you said” while letting go throb.

The time is coming when I need to let loose besides it’s getting more difficult to just sit here and not scream. So I try to wait until I know there are co-workers around you and let loose. As you are in the middle of a sentence I scream-whisper, “Ooooh Shiiiit” as it sounds like I am trying to hold onto my sanity. You are completely silent and I can tell the facial expression on your face that you just had, has been washed off and the temperature has gone up as well. It seems as if you are not breathing at all, as my comments and sighs have lost their rhythms. Finally, after hearing how all my shakes and twitches have slowed down to a halt, you sigh and I ask how are you doing with a smile so loud you laugh.

Early in the Morning

One morning I woke up with the taste for something on my mind. So I figured I would go to the store to try and find it. So I go to the corner store and walk around a while and my nose is probably my weakest sense (what’s scaring me is that its been getting better and so something else is going but I just don’t know what it is -LOL.) I picked up on this wonderful sweet scent and I followed it for what seemed a few isles.

I thought it was ridiculous I came here to find something to make a meal. Then there she is, in some jogging pants and this windbreaker jacket with her hair in a ponytail. Just the look of her has made me forget what I came to get. I feel myself start to stare and I tell myself to stop but I can’t and then she does it, she turns in my direction and sees me looking and smiles and walks by.

I feel my bearings coming back and I begin to look for eggs and milk and sausage to put in my hand-basket. I come back to the isle and I notice that she is right ahead of me. Now I wasn’t staring at her body the first time but this time good lord she had me panting like a freaking dog. Her smell was intoxication. We were in the self-lanes and she then does something that ****ed me up! She dropped something on the floor so she had to bend over in front of me and when she comes back up she makes sure to rub against me. Now my body is going haywire!

It’s early in the morning and I’m not use to it responding this quickly. There is someone in front of her, and there is even an open lane to the right of us but do you really think I am going to go over there? Something is going on with the customer ahead which gives us some more time “alone” as I slide my unused hand and reach for her. I feel the material of her jacket and slowly pull her back into me, never saying a word she steps back and slowly does these swirl movements that are sending me to heaven and back. I’m thinking it’s been so long since I’ve had sex, is this sex? If it is she better stop I’ll mess around and get her pregnant right through her clothes.

She’s next and she steps up and our connection is broken and I feel so cold. Now all I have is her scent on my jacket and hands. She turns around and looks me in the eyes and gets close enough to taste and slides her hands past my stomach to put her money in the machine. After she finishes with her groceries she walks to the entrance and turns around and mouths “bye” to me, she so stinking sweet, and all I can think is I wish I had a convertible ‘cause I’ll probably paint the inside of my car white-LOL Sometimes all I need is a good tease.

Thee Art of Teasing

It was our first face to face encounter. Our first date, our first chance to watch reactions, our first time to smell, and touch (physically). The date was pretty nice, we spent a lot of the time just talking and watching each other smile, sitting across from each other at a table at a park, holding hands.

So the end of the date is winding down, now there is a thing here where it makes me kind of chuckle but I'd never say anything to her about it, I just find it silly. I will always respect her wishes, but with a smirk. See she said that she doesn't want to have sex with me during our first physical encounter, the thing is, over the phone I've made this woman howl to the moon! So at the end of the date as we walk back towards our cars, she stops me and with a little sly grin she says that I can touch her but only once so make it good.

So I smile and then quickly the smile fades as I move in closer. I place both hands on her hips, softly and move in close, but slowly, so slow that I can hear her moan lightly anticipating a nice juicy kiss from me. So slow I can feel the heat from her body surrounding me, as if she had been waiting for this the whole time we've been around each other. Just as slow as I move in, I pull back. Never losing eye contact, never moving my hands. she makes a face of instant confusion, as we affectionately call online - "WTF". Only for me to repeat the measures again, then she speaks up, "What the hell are you doing?" With a smile, I am already touching your hips...

My Weakness

Look suga, I know I've teased you and teased you and yes teased you again, but don't I always finish the deed too? With all that said tonight is your night. If you feel the need to tease me just to see how I handle it, run it. As long as you don't try to do something that would make me feel like a woman. But for real tease me to the point that my eyes show you the intensity that your whole body showed me when it trembled. Don't give it to me, I won't whine or whimper. For I have brought myself to the brink for a month straight and still didn't let go, yeah it was insane but I did it just to see if I could. To the point where it felt like if I would have used one more stroke I could have sprayed the moon and the end of my Jones glistened as I struggled to keep my eyes open. When I stopped, all I could do was practice my breathing and even then you were thick in my thoughts looking at me with that blank "come here" look. To go that far and feel it in my toes almost to the point that I almost screamed and I had a tear come out the corner of my eye and go back up.

Show me your imagination, bring the ice, the altoids, the water, and the peppermint candy and yes even the jolly ranchers. I don't need restraints Ill follow orders just as you do for me; see I won't even hesitate. I'm trying to show you that I won't ask anything of you that I wont give myself. I'm just like you; I get weak when you are near. When you kiss me hence the reasons why I can be late for something from just a kissing sessions man where does the time go? Feeling your nipples on my bareback and your lips on my collarbone makes it tough to concentrate. Hell girl I get weak just by how you look at me. My weakness rests in your curves and you know I love the crease where your thighs curve into those wonderfully thick cheeks. I love the tummy on you and all the softness; all you imperfections are works of art just for me, that's why I look so much. Just your touch forces me to feel things that are difficult to explain. I swear I've never understood cats who spoke about their women rubbing their knee and having that turn them on but just as I have, you've taught me things that Ill never forget. For that I am truly thankful. I know you have something on your mind by the look in your eye, the smile on your face and the way you lick your lips. To be so dominant as you call it I'm weak. My weakness is you.

Stealing Kisses

You were talking about your day and you started talking faster, love it when you get excited to tell me something, but it was when you started complaining that I decided to take another route. It was already raining out and we didn't need anymore darkness, besides a part of me already longed for you. Hearing you complain about it raining outside yet again for the third day in a row, and I was paying attention (honest I was but I started to lose interest), there was something about the way you walked into the bedroom that caught my attention, the way your hips swayed back and forth.

I was standing at the door watching you get undressed and put on a white tank top with a pair of my dark blue boxers as shorts, I have to use restraint while watching you do this. I feel a burn of yearning in my stomach. You continue with your thoughts as if nothing else just happened, as if I didn't think anything of what I just saw.

You are still talking about something that happened at work and I have no clue as to what you are saying because I am watching your lips, it's almost as if I am in a trance. So I step closer to you, and closer. So close that I am right in front of you in the kitchen, you stopped with your daily report which makes me lean back and I see this smile cross your face but my face is straight, nothing but seriousness. I plan to steal.